Workshop for Gram Sevaks & Sevikas

During the workshop, all Gram Sevak and Sevikas signed an undertaking, reaffirming their role in rural development.

Following the successful workshop held for the Gram Sevaks and Sevikas of the Garo Region on the 26th of July at Asananggre under Rongram, Community and Rural Development Block, West Garo Hills district, more than 100 Gram Sevaks and Sevikas from the Khasi and Jaintia region came together for the 2nd one-day transformation workshop, where they reaffirmed their role and pledged to transform the rural development sector of the State. 

The All Meghalaya Gram Sevak/Sevika Service Association (AMGSSSA) in partnership with the Community and Rural Development Department, Government of Meghalaya, State Institute of Rural Development (SIRD), and Meghalaya State Capability Enhancement Project (SCEP), organized another one-day transformation workshop in SIRD, Nongsder, Ri Bhoi District, on August 1st, 2023. 

Director Community & Rural Development Department, S.C Sadhu, IAS, (left) attending the event along with Commissioner & Secretary C&RD Department, F. R Kharkongor, IAS, (Right)

Addressing the gathering, the Director Community & Rural Development Department, S.C Sadhu, IAS, emphasized the pivotal role of the Gram Sevak/Sevika institution in ensuring superior service delivery in the rural areas of Meghalaya. He acknowledged that, after 50 years of Meghalaya’s establishment, the landscape of schemes and practices has undergone significant changes.

Commissioner & Secretary C&RD Department, F. R Kharkongor, IAS, urged the participants to break free from the constraints of the past and emphasized the workshop’s objective. He further called for a transformation in mindset among the attendees.

In a proactive move,  Kharkongor assigned the Gram Sevaks and Sevikas the task of compiling a list of 50 innovative ideas to drive positive changes and development in their respective villages.

Group Discussions were conducted to facilitate thought-sharing, and to hear the Gram Sevaks’/Sevikas’ perspectives about their role, challenges and long-term expectations. Signatures on banners became a memorable part of the activities, symbolizing their commitment and dedication to the state’s rural development.