Practitioners’ Forum on Building Purposeful Organizations

Professor Lant Pritchett gave insights about ‘Building Purposeful Organization’ at the inaugural session of the MSCF.

Meghalaya State Capability Forum Event 2

Theme: Building Purposeful Organisations with Professor Lant Pritchett
Place: Shillong, Meghalaya, India

Professor Lant Pritchett gave insights about ‘Building Purposeful Organization’ at the inaugural session of the MSCF.

Dr Pritchett is a development economist who has taught at the Harvard Kennedy School and worked with the World Bank. He is currently affiliated with Oxford’s Blavatnik School of Government as the Research Director of the RISE Programme, is the Research Director at LaMP (Labor Mobility Partnerships), and is a fellow at the London School of Economics. He has published over a hundred journal articles, working papers, chapters, and books, working with over fifty different co-authors.

Professor Lant Pritchett on ‘Building Purposeful Organization’